• fr
  • Epicuria Architectes
    Cerny (91)

    Alexandre Denis high school

    This restructuring of the historic high school for aviation professions corrects dysfunctions linked to numerous renovations. It rationalises the site while preserving and enhancing its plant heritage.

    The school is set on a sloping site, on which dilapidated, scattered and poorly interconnected buildings have been erected. The project plays on these variations in level. It levels the buildings on three successive plateaus, adapting to the slope and restoring a centrality to the site, which is now reorganised around a central plateau. This reorganisation also provides the best possible exposure to the sun for the students, who benefit from the south-facing slope. The main building is positioned on an east-west axis, while the teaching facilities face north-south.

    Clarity, luminosity and functionality have guided this restructuring.The buildings and functional areas are linked to each other by simple, clear connections.The main entrance is located in the new building, opposite a large landscaped forecourt.The large, light-filled hall is at the centre of the building, which extends in a U-shape around the playground.

    This courtyard preserves and enhances two large lines of trees, a memory of the area.A raised green space has been created to protect the roots of these trees, which are at a slightly higher level.The playground, structured by this double alignment and bordered on three sides by the new buildings, thus provides a green lung and a centrality to the site.

    A common language was sought between the buildings to create a harmonious whole and reflect the nature of the teaching.Stainless steel recalls the aeronautical training provided by the school and reflects the landscape.Matted concrete is a modern evocation of the stone walls that enclose the school. The wood resonates with the facades of the boarding school and the surrounding landscape.

    The upgraded Lycée Alexandre Denis also boasts ambitious environmental targets, including low energy consumption and a wood-fired heating system.

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    2015 – Restructuring and extension of a high school with 1,180 students
    18 062 m2
    23,4 M€HT
    Full delivery in 2023
    Project management
    Regional Council of Ile-de-France / Essonne Aménagement
    Epicuria Architectes, associated / AAM, lead architect
    In separate parts
    Environmental profile
    HQE “NF Bâtiment tertiaire” certified
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